Mindfulness is defined as the moment-by-moment awareness of your thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations and your surrounding environment in a non-judgemental way. What is often not understood, is that this moment-by-moment awareness is not the starting point but an outcome of systematic practices built over time.

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by HAS Academy Last updated Sat, 23-Apr-2022 English
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Curriculum for this course
49 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
Mindfulness Day 1
5 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
  • Mindfulness Day 6 - Control Emotions through Mindfulness
  • Mindfulness Day 1 - Introduction
  • Mindfulness Day 1 - Video 2
  • Mindfulness Day 1 - Activity
  • Mindfulness Day 2 - Video
  • Mindfulness Day 2 - Process of Mindfulness
  • Mindfulness Day 2 - Affirmations
  • Mindfulness Day 3 - MIndful Eating
  • Mindful Eating
  • Mindfulness Day 3 - Mindful Drinking of Water
  • Mindful Drinking of water
  • Mindfulness Day 3 - Mindful Cooking
  • Mindful Cooking
  • Mindful Thinking Activity
  • Mindful Listening Activity
  • Mindful Speaking Activity
  • Conflict resoultion through Mindfulness
  • Mindfulness Day 4 - Mindful Thinking
  • Mindfulness Day 4 - Mindful Speaking and Mindful Listening
  • Mindfulness Day 4 - Conflict Resolution through Mindfulness
  • Mindful Walking
  • Mindful Sitting
  • Mindful Exercising
  • Mindfulness Day 5 - Mindful Walking
  • MIndfulness Day 5 - Mindful Sitting
  • Mindfulness Day 5 - Mindful Exercising
  • Mindful Wakingup
  • Mindful Sleeping
  • Mindful Breathing
  • Control Emotions Through Mindfulness
  • Mindfulness Day 6 - Mindful Waking up
  • Mindfulness Day 6 - Mindful Sleeping
  • Mindfulness Day 6 - Mindful Breathing
  • Mindful Cleaning
  • Mindful Time Management
  • Strengthen Your Mind
  • Mindfulness Day 7 - Mindful Cleaning
  • Mindfulness Day 7 - Mindful Time Management
  • Mindfulness Day 7 - Strengthen your mind
  • Mindfulness Day 8 - Stress hormones to Happiness hormones
  • Stress Response
  • Happiness Chemicals
  • Mindfulness Happy Habits Challenge
  • Mindfulness Happy Habits Challenge activity sheet
  • Mindfulness Day 9 - Meditation for creating body awareness
  • How to practice Loving Kindness Meditation
  • : Mindfulness Day 10 - Loving kindness guided meditation
  • Mindfulness Day 10 - Mindful Gratitude
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  • 00:00:00 Hours On demand videos
  • 49 Lessons
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